Overbrook Library has a new phone number. From now on, please give us a call at 785-862-9840 for all your library needs!

Feb 01
Overbrook Library has a new phone number. From now on, please give us a call at 785-862-9840 for all your library needs!
Jan 11
We are back open for business as of Monday morning 1/11/21 @10am. We will be back to our regular hours all this week.
Please stop by and see us! We’ve missed you.
The drop box is also available again for returning library materials.
Jan 06
Due to a positive test of another staff member, the library WILL NOT reopen 1/6 and THE LIBRARY WILL REMAIN CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
We are hopeful that we will be able to reopen sometime next week barring any additional cases. We will update the website / facebook with more information as we have it.
Please keep all library items until we reopen. All due dates will be adjusted to be after this time. If you need immediate assistance during our closure please e-mail our director at ksederstrom@overbrook.lib.ks.us
Dec 31
Due to a positive test by a library staff member, and other staff exposure, the Overbrook Library will be closed until Wed. Jan. 6th at 10am barring any additional positive tests
Please keep all library materials until we reopen Jan. 6th. Due dates for all materials will be updated.
If you need assistance prior to Jan 6th, please e-mail our director at ksederstrom@overbrook.lib.ks.us
Dec 22
Overbrook Library will be closed for Christmas from Thursday Dec. 24th – Saturday Dec. 26th.
We will reopen Monday Dec. 28th @ 10am.
Hope you have a great Christmas and we look forward to seeing you next week!
Nov 19
The Library is closing at 12pm on Thursday 11/19 due to a water outage / water line repair work behind our building.
We plan to reopen at 10am on Friday 11/20.
Sep 03
The Library will be closed in observance of Labor Day this Saturday 9/5 and Monday 9/7. We will resume our normal hours on Tuesday 9/8/2020.
Have a great weekend!
Jul 28
The Overbrook Friends of the Library Book Sale will be held Wed. July 29th through Saturday August 1st during regular library hours. Come get some great deals!
Jun 30
Hello all! As we continue with our reopening we are moving back to our regular library hours effective tomorrow, July 1st.
We will still be reserving our first hour on weekdays for Seniors ONLY (10am-11am Monday – Friday).
For all patrons, including seniors if they are want to come in while others are present, we will be open:
11am-6pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
11am-7pm Thursday
9am-2pm Saturday (resumes July 11th)
We will be closed Saturday July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Our 1-hour time limit and restrictions on video game consoles remains in effect.
Jun 16
Overbrook Library is happy to announce that we’re moving into the next phase of our phased reopening plan beginning this Wednesday 6/17/20. We will be open for browsing / item checkout / computer use from 12pm-6pm M-F with an additional hour for seniors from 11am-12pm M-F.
During this time, we ask that you keep 6 ft apart and we will only have 6 computers available in order to keep social distancing guidelines. Masks are strongly encouraged for your safety and the safety of the library staff.
We will be enforcing a 1 hour time limit to be in the library during this time in an effort to limit our number of patrons. We ask that you check out your items and use the computers or other technology, but that people not “hang out” and read / study in the library for more than one hour.
During this time we will not be accepting any book donations, and we will not allow use of video game consoles.
We will have disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer available, and we will still be offering curbside pickup of holds if you choose not to come into the library building. Unfortunately, due to patron browsing, we are unable to guarantee that items in the library have been sanitized since being touched by other patrons.
The small conference room will be available starting Wednesday, but the community room will remain closed until August 1st. We can now take reservations for events in the community room after that time. It is important to note that the community room is not sanitized / cleaned by library staff in between events. If you book the room you are expected to clean up after your event in accordance with our cleaning checklist and you may want to sanitize tables / etc. prior to use for your events.