The Overbrook Friends of the Library organization is collecting Best Choice product labels for its efforts to support fundraising for the Library. A large container is at the front desk at the Library for those persons wanting to make a contribution of their labels. If you have questions, contact Carol Baughman, Friends Chairperson, at 785-665-7180
Aug 21
New Nexpress Catalog Search Station
The Overbrook Library has acquired a new piece of computer technology: a computer station dedicated to accessing the regional shared catalog. Patrons can search the catalog, access their account, place hold requests, change their password, or any of a dozen different functions.   The station is currently located in the New Books Shelving area and can be readily seen as patrons come down the stairs from the east entrance.  The Nexpress station cannot access the internet for email or general searches and users do not have to sign-in to use the station.  Patrons are always welcome to approach the librarian on duty for requesting catalog searches.
Jul 09
PlayStation 3 proving to be very popular ….
 The PlayStation 3 gaming console in the Young Adult section of the Overbrook Library is proving to be very popular since its installation at the end of June. In July the average number of teens visiting the library on a daily basis increased by 40% .  The PS3 console and accessories were paid for by a Kansas Library Gaming Grant and games were provided by a matching grant from the Overbrook Friends organization.   The purpose of the state grant was to provide financial assistance to libraries as they develop young adult programming.  The goal is to encourage an increase in regular teen visits to their local public library and increase the library’s role as a community hub.
Jul 01
New Facebook Web Page ….
Overbrook Public Library joins the world of social media with its new facebook website. Our thanks to Maria Penrod, Kansas State University student, for creating the basic facebook architecture.  The URL is :
Nov 20
Story time is an energetic time with stories, singing, moving, and snacks. It meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 am from August to May. This program is geared for 2-5 year olds. Bring the little ones and check out this interactive story time!
Story time will not meet if school is not in session.
Nov 21
Book Club Calender 7:00pm
The book club meets the third Tuesday of every month except December. Everyone is welcome to attended. The Library provides the books.
Aug 01
Storytime Calender
Storytime is an energetic time with exercises, stories, and snacks. It meets on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 9:30am from September to May. This program is geared for 4 and 5 year olds. So bring the little ones and check it out.