Hablas Espanol? Parlez-vous Francais?


The Overbrook Library now has a separate display area in the children’s room for children’s books written in other languages.

All the current selections are familiar titles (like Dr. Seuss or Curious George) in Spanish or both Spanish and English.   Other languages and titles will be added to the collection in the near future.

Suggestions Welcome!

Friends “For Sale” Display!


The Overbrook Library now has a display shelf located near the front desk with nearly new or gently used  “For Sale” items.

Hardback books, audiobooks, and DVD’s are $1.00 each.

Paperbacks, trade paperbacks, and all children’s materials are 50 cents each.

A few materials may be specially priced.

All proceeds from the sale of items goes to the Overbrook Friends of the Library.

Libki at the Overbrook Library


Overbrook Library has twelve public access computers scattered about the large main floor.   The Library uses the LIBKI computer management system on all its public computers.

Patrons have expressed satisfaction at being able to log-in directly at the computer station rather than signing in at the front desk.    If a patron has a library account but has not used their log-in and password information before, the staff at the information desk can set up the individual in less than a minute.   For visitors with no library account and who may not be interested in having one, they can go to the front desk and get a guest log-in.

The LIBKI system will help reduce the ongoing problem of sabotage with our computers, increase security for patrons’ computer work, and reduce the complaints of children, youth, and adults regarding who’s next in line to use a computer during peak usage.

The Overbrook Library is partnering with two other libraries, Linwood Community Library and Seneca Free library, for the service contract that reduces the price of the LIBKI system for all of us.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as there will be questions and a time period of adjustment as we move into a new era of public computer management.





Christian Fiction has its own place at Overbrook Library!

cf-i 2

The Overbrook Library now shelves materials according to the Christian Fiction or Inspirational Genre that many libraries use.   Books by recognized Christian authors can also be labeled mystery, science fiction, western, historical fiction, or any other subject genre.    The library staff hopes this new arrangement will make it easier for patrons to locate this kind of literature.    Large Print titles for Christian Fiction/Inspirational is labeled as such but is still located in the library’s Large Print book section.



Announcing: Bakeware Lending Program


The Overbrook library now has a specialized bakeware collection that is available for checkout to library card holders.  Overbrook Library Board Member Lynn Drake and Assistant Librarian Pam Johnston have worked hard to assemble, package and label an initial collection of over 80 items.   A catalog of bakeware materials is available on this website and also in printed form at the Library’s Service and Information Desk.

For more information, click on the link below.   This webpage can also be found on the Overbrook Library Website under the menu item “Library Information”


Listen away with Playaway!

playaway2We have expanded our Playaway audio book selection! These are preloaded digital audio players, just plug and play! Simple, compact, and convenient, these are sure to satisfy your audio needs. Stop by to see the new titles!

Thanks to local donations, library teen area now complete


With the addition of a rustic pine and tile coffee table, the Young Adult and Teen area of the library has been completed.   Youth can socialize, play board games, read, study, use the gaming station, and browse new books and materials for their age group.



The Teen area furniture was paid through the general donations of The Friends of the LIbrary and from the more than 30 people who contributed to the Beth Sisson Memorial Fund.   The TV and PS3 Gaming Console were made possible by the gifts of Bob and Ruth Von Stein and the Kansas State Library Gaming Grant.  These contributions will serve the youth of Overbrook for many years to come!

Service Project for Armed Forces Big Hit

OMK3 Jo Ellen Arnold (left) and Jessica Flory (right) from the Lyndon Extension Office presented Operation Military Kids to over 30 Children and Adults in the Overbrook Community Room.  Children and youth became heros supporting our nation’s heros by writing letters and assembling care packages OMK4 OMK2 OMK 1for service men and women.




Everyone’s Going Bunko


For several months now the Overbrook Library has hosted Bunko (a social dice game) in the Community Room.    Several dozen persons have enjoyed each other’s company and playing the game.   The action takes place the third Tuesday of each month from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.



If you are interested in playing, call Jan Boggs (785665-7262 or 785-220-6920).   A $5.00 donation is suggested.   The next game takes place on January 20, 2015.

Overbrook Friends collecting Best Choice Labels

Canned Food

The Overbrook Friends of the Library organization is collecting Best Choice product labels for its efforts to support fundraising for the Library.  A large container is at the front desk at the Library for those persons wanting to make a contribution of their labels.  If you have questions, contact Carol Baughman, Friends Chairperson, at 785-665-7180