Computer & Technology Use Policy

Reviewed / approved by the Overbrook Library Board November 18, 2019

The Overbrook library uses a computer kiosk management system on its public access computers.

Overbrook Public Library uses a DNS content filtering provider to comply with the requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).

Patrons with a library account in good standing can sign-in at available computers using their login and password.

Patrons without a library account / computer login can obtain a guest pass issued by library staff.

Patrons with a suspended library account will not be able to sign-in using their own account; they can sign up to use a guest pass at the discretion of the senior library staff member.  

Patrons will have one hour of computer time per sign-in while others are waiting.

Library staff have discretion to grant additional time as needed. School and education-related activities will have priority over other uses.   

Patrons can have their computer time reduced or eliminated for violation of the Patron Behavior policies, including use of computers for inappropriate material or damage to equipment.   The staff has the right to ban patrons from using computers temporarily or permanently according to Patron Behavior guidelines.

Print jobs from patron computers are charged at the same rate as manual printing and copying.

Patrons are welcome to bring their own laptops and devices to connect to the wireless internet service.

The library laptop(s) and tablets are for internal library use only.  Adults must leave driver’s license or similar document with librarian as a guarantee.  Under 18 usage to be determined at the discretion of the librarian.
