Community Room Policy


Approved 12-19-22

The large community room has a total capacity of 250 people seated auditorium style or 128 people seated at round tables. There is a small catering kitchen.

Conference room is available during library hours and will seat 10-12 around a permanent table.

The following are the regulations for rental of the community room(s) as determined by the Overbrook Library Trustees.

1.      Adults age 21 and older may reserve the community room(s). An adult must be present at all times.

2.      No smoking is permitted in the library or the community room.

3.      No alcohol is permitted in the library or community room.

4.      No animals are allowed in the Community Center with exception of service dogs, or library activities, etc.

5.      Decorations shall be free standing. NO glitter, rice, bird seed, party shapes or bubbles allowed.

6.      Driveways will not be blocked. Parking will be in marked parking areas around the library and on the street. All marked exits and front entrance doors will be kept clear at all times.

7.      Lessees agree to release Overbrook Public Library from all liability due to loss, theft, personal injury or property damages that may occur to any person or property thereon during the period of occupancy.

8.      Library events and usage of rooms take precedence over other events. City government events are next in consideration.

9.      Reservations and a deposit will be taken at the library during regular business hours. Reservations are not considered final until deposit has been paid. The deposit will be held until an inspection after use is conducted. The fee must be paid when the key is picked up. If notification of cancellation is more than 48 hours prior to the event, then the deposit and fee will be refunded. Deposits will be returned based on compliance with clean-up guidelines. If damages are found, the deposit shall be forfeited along with damage charges. Local civic organizations are required to pay deposits.

10.    Local civic organizations that meet on a regular scheduled basis are permitted to use the meeting rooms, not to exceed two meetings up to 4 hours of use per month at no cost to the organization. An approved list of organizations will be on file with the librarian. The organization must have an officer on file for contact information.

11.    Conference room usage is at the discretion of the librarian / staff.

12.    Special community events may be able to receive a reduced rental fee. These will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the librarian/trustees and must be requested for review prior to the reservation.

Community Room Technology –

The library has technology available for use in the community room. We are unable to provide tech support for these items during community room events.

If you wish to use one of these items during your event, you must have a representative contact the library one week prior to your event and arrange for a time at the librarian’s convenience to go over operation of these items.

Please report any problems with technology on the back of the “Overbrook Community Center Checklist of Responsibilities” turned in with the room key after your event.

Facilities Charges

Community Room – $50 fee plus $50 deposit (this includes use of the kitchen) for 4 hour rental. All day rental $100 fee plus $50 deposit.

Conference Room (available during library hours) – No Charge

Funeral events — no charge

Non-profit groups such as: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc. — No Charge *

Local civic organizations, city meetings, library organizations — No Charge *

*Donations for utilities and supplies gladly accepted from non-profit and civic groups.
