We hope you had fun at our previous Trivia Night back in February, despite the ice storm. We’ll be hosting another trivia night Thursday, June 14th @ 6pm in the Overbrook Library Community Room, and we will hopefully have better weather! Bring your team and some snacks and get ready to show us how smart …
Category: News
Jun 04
Summer Reading Kickoff Party Tuesday 6-5-18!
Summer Reading season is upon us! Our kickoff party is Tuesday June 5th from 10am to 11:30am. We’ll have Summer Reading registration, the first time to claim prizes, and some fun activities whenever you drop by! Get ready to “Rock ‘N Read” this summer at the Overbrook Public Library! Full event schedule attached!
Apr 17
April Community Showcase Goes to the Dogs
Saint Bernards, that is. The April display in the Community Showcase is presented by Bob and Kit Bostrom. It’s quite a sight to see. If you have a display you would like to share with the community, we encourage you to contact the library to get your name on the list. We have open opportunities …
Apr 09
Drop-in Technology Help at the library
Having problems using your phone / tablet / laptop or other electronic device? Need Help setting up your e-mail, accessing the internet, using library digital services, accessing state library resources, using Microsoft Office or other computer help? Overbrook Library is now offering drop in technology help every Wed. from 12pm-2pm or by appointment. …
Mar 28
Local Author Book Signing – April 21st
Local author / Overbrook resident Anna Hefley will be reading and signing her new children’s book, “I Love You Bigger Than The World”, at a launch event in the Overbrook Public Library children’s area at 11am on Saturday, April 21st. This is her first book, and it is being published at the end of March …
Mar 02
Who’s Ready for Spring???
March is chock full of fresh new things for the year. Daylight Savings Time on the 11th. St. Patrick’s Day is always the 17th (but you knew that). First day of spring is the 20th. Palm Sunday on the 25th and finally Good Friday on the 30th. We have quite a few baking pans for …