Library Board passes new policy on Unattended Children

For some time now, the Library Board has been discussing and debating about the age of unattended and disruptive children in the library and all the related safety and liability issues.  At the April 6th board meeting the following new policy was approved:

The two key provisions are:

Children aged 8 and younger must at all times be in the immediate vicinity of and supervised by a parent, adult guardian, or responsible caregiver.

A “responsible caregiver” is defined as a person age 12 or older who is attentive to the safety, needs, and behavior of the child. “Supervised” means that a parent, adult guardian, or responsible caregiver is attentive to the safety, needs, and behavior of the child.


The entire policy is:

Unattended and Disruptive Children Policy:
(Approved 4-6-2016 Overbrook Library Board)

Prompted by concern for the safety and well-being of all patrons, especially our children, the Overbrook Library has adopted a policy for unattended children. This policy affirms that library personnel do not take the place of the parent, nor act as caregiver or babysitter. The Library does not act in loco parentis (in place of parents) and Library staff do not have the authority to take responsibility for your child.
Should it come to the attention of the Library staff that a child has been left alone, or if an unattended child calls attention to him/herself, library staff will attempt to locate the parents and explain our concerns. If the parents cannot be located, local authorities will be contacted and asked for their assistance in finding them.

Children aged 8 and younger must at all times be in the immediate vicinity of and supervised by a parent, adult guardian, or responsible caregiver.

A child must be continually accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or caregiver unless the child is attending a library program. Children 9 years of age and older may use the library on their own; however, parents are still responsible for the actions of their children.

A “responsible caregiver” is defined as a person age 12 or older who is attentive to the safety, needs, and behavior of the child. “Supervised” means that a parent, adult guardian, or responsible caregiver is attentive to the safety, needs, and behavior of the child.

Children who are being disruptive will be asked by staff to behave. If disruptive behavior continues, a staff member will inform the responsible caregiver that their child is disturbing others. If the caregiver(s) refuse or are unable to control the child, they will be asked to leave. Disruptive children aged 9 and older will be asked to leave after receiving one warning.

Parents/legal guardians/caregivers and children who are in violation of this policy are subject to suspension of library privileges.

These procedures are set for the safety of your children and for the comfort of all those using the library facilities and services. The Overbrook Public Library encourages you to bring your children to the library often and allow them to explore and appreciate what it has to offer.



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